Awards Book

4.4 ( 9314 ratings )
Бізнесс Довідники
Розробник: APF Group Pte Ltd

You can now gain access to past/current awards and winners profile in Singapore. Featuring over 100 Winners Profile in the award book.

Features include:
- Universal app fully optimized for iphone, ipod & ipad
- Comprehensive database of every winners
- All award categories included
- Integrated Search Engine to quickly find and view winners and award
- Refine Winners and award result by category
- Business phone numbers with a single tap-to-call option
- Company profile with Company address

Featured Awards Includes:

Asia Pacific Entrepreneur Award
Asia Pacifics Most Prestigious Awards for Outstanding Entrepreneurship is a world class award recognising and honouring business leaders who have shown outstanding performance and tenacity in developing successful businesses within the region.

SME1 Asia Awards
The SME1 ASIA Awards is created to recognise successful Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Singapore and ASIA that are socially responsible. We are looking for SMEs which do not forsake people, society and the environment in pursuing profits.

SME1 ASIA Awards aims to bridge an active community of socially-responsible business leaders to share business ideas and best practices for sustainable growth.